“I’d rather be without a job if we can end addiction, and I’ll find another career.”

Mario Chaparro is the program director of the Engagement Center on Atkinson St. We work with him constantly, from donating supplies for the Engagement Center to operate since it opened in 2018 to working with him to develop our pilot program to employ the homeless under his care. Check out this four minute interview with the City of Boston to hear what he has to say about what he does at Mass and Cass.


Newmarket’s Annual Meeting and Fundraiser a Huge Success!

Watch the recording of the 2020 Annual Meeting here!

Over 200 members and friends of the Newmarket Business Association and Newmarket Community Partners joined us on November 19th to celebrate our biggest event of the year, the 42nd annual Newmarket Meeting and Charitable Fundraiser!

In a strange and difficult year for everybody, we were nevertheless able to hold our annual meeting virtually for the first time! And despite our disappointment at not being able to gather together as usual, the event was still an enormous success!

Making the occasion even more momentous, this year we were pleased to welcome Mayor Martin Walsh as our keynote speaker! Throughout his time in office, Mayor Walsh has been a steadfast and valued supporter of Newmarket, and he came to answer questions from our members about everything from the the process of recovering and reopening from COVID-19 to future of development in Boston and his support for the Newmarket Business Improvement District.

And despite the hardships of the past year, 2020’s Annual Meeting did not lag behind the successes of our past few fundraisers, and this year we nearly met the record we set in 2019, raising almost one hundred thousand dollars towards our charitable and economic growth activities!

We’re looking forward to another busy year in Newmarket. With all of your support, we hope to keep making Newmarket a better place for all of us to live and work!

Long Island Bridge Reconstruction Project

Newmarket Supports the Long Island Bridge Reconstruction Project. Review the link below to see why we support the project! The public comment period for the bridge reconstruction is open until September 9th. Please follow the instructions below to make your comments supporting the bridge!

Long Island Bridge Superstructure Replacement Project, EEA # 15308


Electronic public comments should be submitted to Ms. Purvi Patel, the MEPA Environmental Analyst assigned to the Long Island Bridge Replacement Project.

Ms. Patel’s e-mail address is purvi.patel@mass.gov.

The subject line must read, “Long Island Bridge Superstructure Replacement Project, EEA # 15308”.


If submitting public comment by mail, comments should be addressed as follows:Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs


Ms. Purvi Patel, EEA#15308

100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900

Boston, MA 02114

Please submit public comments by Sunday, September 9, 2018, and send an electronic courtesy copy to Chris Osgood (chris.osgood@boston.gov), Jen Tracey (jtracey@bphc.org), Marty Martinez (marty.martinez@boston.gov), or Timothy Sullivan (timothy.p.sullivan@boston.gov).